
Why is it that when most people, myself included, think of leaders we think of old men that have been in the business world for 20+ years? The truth is we are all leaders whether we want to be or not. Someone is always watching you and learning either what to do, or what not to do. Don’t lead them astray, but lead by a great example. 

Don’t believe me yet that we’re all leaders? We lead the t-ball team to victory and defeat. We lead a classroom of 22 students. We lead a family raising our sons and daughters. We lead our sports team. We lead our friends and have a huge influence on their lives. From the ball field, to the band room, to the boardroom, we’re all leaders. Take ownership of that. 

You don’t have to be in business or classically trained to be a leader. We don’t have to be an eloquent speaker that can quote random dead people to be a leader. We are all leaders in our own realms each and every day. Chose to lead people in the right direction. We all have more influence and leverage on those around us than we realize, let’s use it for good. Simply lead. 

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